A BLOG ABOUT THINGS I LEARN. BASICALLY. I respect copyright and will be happy to remove any photo the holder wishes me to remove. Please email whatstanleysays@gmail.com if you own an image you wish removed.

Tuesday 7 December 2010


THIS weekend saw me remain in Birmingham for a much needed catch-up with pretty much everything;
Sleep, Zombies, Friends and Travellers.
Things I learnt were few and far between, however here's my pick of the best new morsels of information which filled  my head over the last few days:

ONE] [most] Things are almost 1oo% better when they are not planned.  This could be anything really,
         from trips to ice kissed parks to deciding what you're going to wear five minutes before you leave the
         house.[or going to MANNEQUIN of a Friday Night-Time] Either way, I think spontaneity is most definitely
         something that has to be maintained [Bit of an oxymoron. Whatever] because:
              a] there is no silly build up surrounding said event/act/trip/outfit, ultimately leading to a very real,
                  pretty annoying let-down. [unless of course your trip is to a Victorian sweet shop, in which case
                  there won't ever be a let down.]
             b]  It automatically makes everything more exciting.  No planning means no control, no control
                  means uncertainty, and uncertainty means anything could happen! [or it means odd socks, vpls and
                  make-up like that of the lovely lady who was on Jeremy Kyle yesterday.  She was probably from
                  Birmingham, lets be honest.]

Please buy this lady a mirror for Christmas.

TWO] Putting up a Christmas tree and decorating a house, whatever the result [and with an amalgamation of
         decorations spanning from the early eighties to the present day added to my mom's obsession with singing
         Christmas trees/santas/snowmen, mine is putting the 'tack' back in tacky], makes December one of my
         favourite months of the year.  I'm not sure whether it's the smell of the tree when I go into the kitchen with
         just about one eye open, or the tiny, skinny santa standing quite pointlessly on the stair bannister, or both
         of these things that make waking up to a freezing winter morning a quite nice thing to do. ANYWAY, i'm
        rambling, so here is a photo I took this morning:

The trees were COVERED in Ice and snow.  My photo seems to have removed all traces of that. Great.

THREE] About three years ago I discovered the music of  Gregor Samsa and Warpaint on the same day.  Whilst
            Warpaint are most definitely one of my favourite bands and are now tipped to be ones to watch in 2011,
            I feel I must also give Gregor Samsa a little platform from which to glisten. Slightly. [A bit like sparkly ball
            balls but less plastic and a bit more talkative.]  Whilst their songs aren't really fitting for preparation of
            nights to be spent dancing with Zombie skulls and large plastic crosses 'til the early hours [have a
            gander and a drink at ZOMBIE PROM, every Saturday Night-time] they are pretty
            much perfect for every other wintery occasion, with mellowing melodies, delicate glpkenshpiels and
            incredibly soothing vocals.  Give them a listen here + a mug of your favourite hot drink with a zing of
            something warming. [obviously whiskey, rum or baileys. OBVIOUSLY]

Here's the real Gregor Samsa, a character from a short story called Moramorphosis by Franz Kafka. [Yes he is a cockroach]  I recommed his Metamorphosis & Other Stories which I am actually currently reading on and off.  Weird as 'ell.

In other news, I am failing my little challenge of going to the German Market every day as miserably as Jack Dee reading the orbituary in a village paper [pretty disgustingly miserable].  Out of about three weeks I have been a grand total of twice.  If you want to help me salvage whatever remains of this challenge, please let me know.


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