A BLOG ABOUT THINGS I LEARN. BASICALLY. I respect copyright and will be happy to remove any photo the holder wishes me to remove. Please email whatstanleysays@gmail.com if you own an image you wish removed.

Tuesday 3 January 2012


A NEW YEAR and with it a new drive to fulfill all your new years' resolutions and kick start a healthy lifestyle after the
christmas binge.  If only this drive lasted more than a few weeks. "Is this a challenge?" I hear you cry! [if I could magically hear responses to this post in a psycho big-brother esque way.] So, in the spirit of this new January-fuelled inspiration, I will [against the grain of the topic of all previous posts] list my NYRs [New Years Resolutions] with you all bearing witness in the hope that it will encourage me to actually see them through til 2o13.

ONE] Read Every Day: An obvious yet rarely continued choice here, something I actioned on the 2nd day of January
          [the only thing anyone did on 1st was stretch a few toes out of bed and doze off to 8Os films. If you did anything
           other than this your NYE probably involved TV re-runs and cocktail sausages].  Being a bit more specific than
           'read more' [which really means look at your bookshelf and decide which book you might start at some point], i've
           made this resolution easier to break but simultaneously easier to keep up! SNEAKY.
          NOTE: if you're going to use this one too, do not under any circumstances attempt it if:
                            a] reading to you comprises the last few pages of the Metro, or
                            b] you have a Jodie Marsh autobiography readily waiting to be opened on your beside table. No no no.

'Keeping it Real' The most ironic title EVER.

TWO] Write More: Yes, I have used 'more', but you can't force creativity and if you can, being 'Rebecca Black' doesn't
           count!  In all seriousness, I think it's important to push yourself, even if you've gone through what seems like a 365
           day creative block.  This one for me is going to include Songs and  blog posts [which I started about this time last
           year and was really enthusiastic about- for a few months].  Don't think you can get out of this one either! It can
           apply to any form of creativity, anything that you create out of nothing [doodles included, although lets be honest, if
           that's all you can come up with you probably need some other NYRs along the lines of 'FIND NEW JOB' or 'STOP
If you doodle like THIS though, I'll let you off.

THREE] Make More Effort with my Appearance: Whereas I don't think I dress particularly scruffy or, on the contrary,
               gaga-like [If I dressed like her i'd be given a straight jacket not a record deal] I think my clothing and hair could
               do with some fine tuning. If I wake up and look like the love child of shrek and SuBo I'm going to spend time
               sorting it out before I unleash myself onto the world. If I can't be bothered to think of an outfit, I'm going to hide
               my 'easy option' jeans for a week -and so on. Whilst I'm realising that this is starting to make me sound as
               shallow as Rupert Murdoch's fan-mail sack, I think it's going to be a good one to get into the habit of keeping
               up.  You may also need to try this if:
                            a] You like to wear the colour orange, and/or
                            b] coincidentally, you look like Jodie Marsh does now, or a year ago. [I have no idea why she's taken
                                 over. NYR No. 4 Stop talking about Jodie Marsh]

About as popular as having to work on Christmas Day

I only managed to fulfil one NYR last year [the best one].
2o12 is going to better than 2o11 though, so that's fine.

Happy New Year Everyone

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