A BLOG ABOUT THINGS I LEARN. BASICALLY. I respect copyright and will be happy to remove any photo the holder wishes me to remove. Please email whatstanleysays@gmail.com if you own an image you wish removed.

Tuesday 2 November 2010


LAST weekend was amazing; it taught me a fair bit, but mainly it was amazing.
Here are a few of the intriguing things I learnt during my little sister's Twenty First Birthday Weekend:

ONE] I like making/giving presents more than receiving them [no innuendo intended].
         Friday night saw me working 'til half two the next morning on a picture book I made from scratch for my
         sister as part of her present.  I wanted it to look like a little Paper Chase black-card-brown-cardboard book
         but with a bit more character [and by character I mean selotape/rough edges].  I wrote a note in the front
         then had twenty one pages of pictures with a tiny running commentary in silver pen.  This is always a good
         idea because:
                           a] even if you only have black masking tape instead of the much much much nicer 'white'
                              version and proceed to think that what you're making resembles a badly made, old diary of a
                              psychotic bondage lover, the receiver of said masterpiece will love it.  It's the thought that
                              counts anyway, right? and
                          b] your gift will be 1oo% unique! That's right. No chance of the 'same-present-no-thought'
                              situation occuring here Stace.  [to be fair it would have been pretty much impossible for
                              anyone to recreate the uniqueness of the scissor cut, wonky edges doused in tape]

Here's something else Google tells me I could have 'handmade' as a present.
Thanks Google.

TWO] Never underestimate.  Ever.  Saturday saw friends from my sister's school, art foundation, current Uni
         and family turn up to celebrate her birthday.  That's four different corners of her life, which to me was pretty
         astounding.   Although this obviously has something to do with the fact that she is incredibly
         lovely/FUNNY/hot/good at surrounding herself with nice people, it taught me the importance of making an
         effort when it counts, and even when you think it may not.  This is good because:
                              a] it is a brilliant feeling when all your groups of friends are getting on in a nice mélange 
                                  of birthday merryness. [this sounds far more sophisticated than it actually
                              b] you look popular when, inevitably, the photos get brandished on facebook. [obviously i'm
Here is probably the most 'unpopular' thing I have ever seen.

THREE] The people who think up films like SAW 3D should probably be locked up.  We could let them out on
             'creative leave' for public holidays or something but then they should 1oo% be kept away from:
                            a] people
                            b] objects in general [No specifics here. I'm pretty sure they could use safety scissors and
                               create a disaster], and
                            c] people with objects, for obvious reasons.

The potential 'not-so' safety scissors of doom.

Someone should take that puppet from the film to Toys 'R' Us or something first though.  I mean seriously.  It's like he's got 'game' tourettes.
On the plus side, I'll be sipping un bol de chocolat sur le Champs Élysées very soon.
J'espere que vous aurez une bonne semaine!


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